Spleen Energy Flow Excercise
Do both sides if you have time. If you have time for only one side, do the left side, or whatever feels most right.
Spleen Function Energy Flow (Left side of body)
1. Place right hand (palm side or back of hand, whichever is most comfortable) at the base of spine (coccyx).
Place left hand on LEFT medial ankle bode (between inner side ankle bone and heel).
2. Move left hand to base of center of RIGHT front rib cage.
3. Move right hand to center of LEFT third rib from LEFT clavicle (collar bone), right above LEFT breast area.
4. Move right hand to center of RIGHT clavicle (collar bone between clavicle and first rib.
Spleen Function Energy Flow (Right side of body)
1. Place left hand (palm side or back of hand, whichever is most comfortable) at the base of spine (coccyx).
Place right hand on RIGHT medial ankle bode (between inner side ankle bone and heel).
2. Move right hand to base of center of LEFT front rib cage.
3. Move left hand to center of RIGHT third rib from RIGHT clavicle (collar bone), right above RIGHT breast area.
4. Move left hand to center of LEFT clavicle (collar bone between clavicle and first rib).
1. Right hand on top center of head
Left fingers between eyebrows
2. Right had remains on top center of head
Left fingers on tip of nose
Right hand remains on top center of head
Left fingers in “V” of neck
3. Right hand remains on top center of head
Left fingers on sternum between breasts
4. Right hand remains on top center of head
Left fingers and base of sternum
Right hand remains on top center of head
Left fingers at navel
5. Right hand remains on top center of head
Left fingers on pubic bone
6. Right hand moves to tail bone (coccyx)
Left fingers remain on pubic bone.