A CBD Moment
Since medical cannabis was legalized in the State of Colorado several years ago, I've been curious about the legal non-psychoactive component, CBD, and it’s beneficial effects for insomnia, pain, anxiety, and inflammation internally, and it's anti-aging and anti-inflammatory effects topically.
I was initially skeptical about the use of cannabinoids as plant medicine. There are SO many manufacturers of topicals, tinctures etc. The first few products I sampled seemed very hit or miss - I couldn't tell if they were making a difference. I needed to find the highest quality, purest CBD in order to decide whether it belonged in V&V/Medicine Ranch's pharmacopeia.
I researched countless cannabis companies and found the best of the best: a skilled, medical supplier with the most rigorous testing, and the cleanest, most potent product on the market with a track record of positive results. So exciting! They were more expensive, AND they were sold out. For a year. Though every other manufacturer seemed to have CBD coming out of their ears to sell, these folks couldn't keep up with demand. Hmmm, got to be a reason. We waited, and waited, and finally, in the past six months, we have been able to secure sufficient quantities from this superior quality formulator to keep up with our own growing demand.
Internal CBD: What is it and what is it used for?
Among the 60 or so cannabinoids present in cannabis, only THC is psychoactive. However, some of the other constituents, such as cannabidiol, have well-documented biological effects of potential therapeutic interest, such as antianxiety, anticonvulsive, anti-nausea, anti-inflammatory and antitumor p roperties. Primary among these, without delving too deeply in medical models, are CBD's ability to address pain, inflammation, anxiety, and insomnia.
We have been selling internal CBD capsules for about six months and the results are nothing short of miraculous. If there is a magic bullet, for many people, this is it. Our CBD, as one client put it, makes her feel "more like herself." It exerts a calming, relaxing influence. It is pain relieving. It is a mild appetite suppressant. Our CBD capsules (10mg and 25mg dosages) are full-spectrum CBD, meaning they take advantage of all non-psychoactive compounds, providing an "entourage effect" of potency (the vast majority of CBD products are made with inexpensive (and ineffective) single isolate CBD - caveat emptor! I cannot tell you how many people have come into Medicine Ranch saying they already tried CBD and it didn't help. They take one of our capsules, and the next day they return to buy 500). Doses are measured, so you know exactly what you are taking (tinctures, syringes, and vape pens make dosing nearly impossible). The CBD is preservative, filler, additive, and solvent-free (most CBD products are solvent extracted - ew!).
We recommend you start with 10mg, taken twice daily. If for sleep, start with 10mg before bed. If you don't feel anything, move to 20 or 25mg. Anything under 50mg is considered a microdose. Note: you can't take "too much." In other words, you won't get high (ever) no matter how much you take. Note: If you smoke weed, you will want to start with 25mg dose as you will already have a tolerance.
We can ship internal and topical CBD anywhere in the U.S. If you would like larger quantities give me a call at 303.548.1998 and I will get you volume pricing.
Topical CBD: What is it and what is it used for?
" Topicals", unlike many skin products, have the potential to be effective due to the large number of receptors on the surface of our skin. These receptors are part of our endocannabinoid system, which modulates physiological systems in the human body and brain. Like essential oils, CBD's bioavailability (ability to bind to receptors in therapeutically meaningful quantities) is the key to its effectiveness precisely because of its ability to penetrate the dermis (lightbulb moment
I use the same superior quality full-spectrum CBD in my skin care line. The anti-inflammatory, analgesic effects are real, according to the estheticians who have been selling the CBD-infused products. They are:
The Cure CBD Salve, 375mg CBD
Extreme Cure Supercharged CBD Salve, 1000mg CBD
Argan EF Eye Therapy
Perfect Skin Scar Rx
Pure Love Cream
Joint and Inflammation Rx
I have links to dozens of peer reviewed articles from pubmed and scientific journals for a dozen or more of the systemic ailments that western medicine has not be able to touch including rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, weight loss, anxiety and depression, and many more. Its anti-tumoral/anti-cancer properties in particular are stunning; I have articles for more than 20 types of cancers CBD properties address therapeutically.
I'm thrilled to be offering this valuable medicine to our clients. Please email with questions.